Demolition Analysis & Planning

As construction methods and materials have grown increasingly complex over the years, so has the need for new and more accurate methods to analyze and demolish such structures.  Utilizing its Extreme Loading® Technology (ELT), ASI is able to provide critical information to clients during all phases of demolition planning.

With extensive expertise in modeling and analyzing the demolition of buildings, bridges, industrial facilities, sports arenas, and many other complex structures, ASI can simulate sequential (mechanical, wrecking ball, excavator) and induced collapse demolition plans which employ the use of explosives, wrecking ball, high reach excavator, pushing or pulling force, or manual deconstruction.

Charlotte Coliseum Sequence

Demolition Planning:

  • Demolition Analysis: Given the actual demolition plan, ASI can provide an accurate analysis of the proposed plan.  If the proposed demolition plan indicates the possibility of a mishap or hazard, ASI can suggest alternative scenarios or modifications to the planned approach.  ASI can also provide engaging visuals early on in the bidding process for encouraging plan approval or for display in public forums.
  • Seismic Analysis: Propagation of seismic waves created by structural debris to study the effect of the demolition on neighboring structures.

Post-Demolition Analysis:

  • Comparative Analysis: A comparison of the actual demolition with the predicted outcome of the demolition plan can also be generated. ASI can combine both the predictive simulation and the actual demolition videos as a side-by-side reference for further analysis or marketing purposes.

Exclusive Demolition Analysis Program:

ASI is currently partnering with demolition contractors and demolition consultants around the world to provide demolition analysis services. For more information about the Exclusive Demolition Analysis Program visit the Demolition Analysis Website.  Click on the logo to the left to find the Exclusive Demolition Analysis Program Member in your region.


Demolition Analysis Website

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