The Journal of Performance Constructed Facilities, an ASCE publication has recently accepted and published a paper entitled, “Enhanced Modeling of Steel Structures for Progressive Collapse Analysis Using Applied Element Method.”

In the paper, author Ahmed Amir Khalil, Ph.D., discusses performing progressive collapse analysis of steel structures based on UFC 4-23-03, 2010 and GSA 2003 codes. Based on his research, the author concluded that the use of nonlinear dynamic analysis allows the engineer to more accurately model by including the slab and reinforcement while also reducing the number of load cases required. The entire paper can be accessed using the link below.

Abstract: This paper studies performing progressive collapse analysis for steel structures using the requirements of recent codes released by the United States Department of Defense and the General Services Administration. Based on review of the code requirements, nonlinear dynamic progressive collapse analysis results in a more uniform factor of safety than linear static analysis. The Applied Element Method in structural analysis is proposed as an efficient alternative for performing progressive collapse analysis. A case study is undertaken where the results of progressive collapse analysis using traditional Finite Element Method simplifications are compared to the results from the Applied Element Method in the analysis of a moment resisting steel frame. The case study shows that simplifications that are usually done in finite element analysis when studying traditional load cases can be over-conservative when performing progressive collapse analysis. The results show that the use of the nonlinear dynamic Applied Element Method while taking into account the effect of secondary members such as slabs and secondary beams can lead to considerable savings in the total weight of the steel frame.

A. Khalil, Enhanced Modeling of Steel Structures for Progressive Collapse Analysis Using Applied Element Method, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, Available online 3 August 2011, ISSN: 0887-3828 (print) 1943-5509 (online).



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