In this work, the Applied Element Method (AEM) is employed to reproduce the dynamic response of three full-scale unreinforced masonry (URM) house specimens tested on a shake-table. Two of the test specimens correspond to a calcium-silicate terraced house typology (typical of construction in the Netherlands and other Northern European countries), whilst a third one corresponds to a clay masonry detached house (representative not only of Northern Europe construction typologies, but also of houses found in other regions of the world, such as Australia and New Zealand). The test specimens were subjected to dynamic inputs of increasing intensity, both for reasons of shake-table control as well as for monitoring of progressive damage/limit states evolution. For two of the specimens, near collapse conditions were reached during their testing, whilst for the third an explicit structural collapse was obtained.
D. Malomo, R. Pinho, A. Penna (2018) “Using the Applied Element Method to simulate the dynamic response of full-scale URM houses tested to collapse or near-collapse conditions,” Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, Paper n. 10692.