Stubbs Tower
Georgia, USAProject Spotlights
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Stubbs Tower
Georgia, USA
Implosion of a 15 story reinforced concrete structure.
The dramatic and successful implosion of the 15-story Stubbs Tower occurred early in the morning of Saturday December 15, 2007. A ground-breaking event on many fronts, the defunct apartment complex was the second tallest building in Savannah, Georgia and the first to be explosively demolished. More importantly, however, is what happened leading up to demolition.
The modeling, prediction, and simulation of the project were part of ongoing project being taken by Dr. Emmett Sumner of NC State University in cooperation with ASI in the use of Extreme Loading® for Structures (ELS) for the study of progressive collapse. The Stubbs Tower demolition simulation created using ELS helped D.H.Griffin, the general demolition contractor, and demolition Dynamics, the explosive demolition expert, win the final approval from the city to perform the explosive demolition. The demolition simulation was then released two days prior to the actual event, shown on the local news, and hosted on numerous media websites. The release of the demolition simulation pre-occurrence demonstrated both the confidence in ELS predictive capabilities and the positive attention that can be generated.