ASI Europe, a member of the INACHUS Consortium, took part in the dedicated conference organized in Valabre, France, on the 16th of October 2018. ASI has been involved within INACHUS Project to provide a simulation tool for the single building assessment, with the aim...
Our own Ahmed Khalil, Ph.D., P.E. will be keynoting at the 2018 Forensic Congress. Join us in Austin November 29th to hear from Ahmed and other industry experts on the topic of forensic engineering. Interact with other professionals tasked with determining the...
Applied Science International, LLC (ASI) & The Steel Network, Inc. (TSN) are excited to announce the release of Build 116 for our new SteelSmart® Framer BIM software for Light Steel Framing. SteelSmart Framer makes it possible to quickly...
The Morandi Bridge, designed by Prof. R. Morandi, was built in the 1960s. It was one of Italy’s most important bridges with pre-stressed concrete stays. The bridge collapsed on August 14, 2018, causing 43 deaths. ASI performed a structural analysis using the Applied...
For a limited time only, several Progressive Collapse papers published in Engineering Structures Journal, which discuss the use of Extreme Loading® for Structures (ELS) nonlinear dynamic structural analysis software to analyze structures and design to prevent...
Numerical prediction of progressive collapse of buildings due to extreme loading is still a challenging task. However, increased computational power makes it nowadays possible to analyze not only small-scale connections and mid-size building elements, but also full...
Building Information Modeling (BIM), rapidly revolutionizing the construction industry. Overall, engineering and design technology has advanced considerably in the last 30 years within the construction industry. Part of that advancement has...
Extreme events (i.e. terrorist attacks, vehicle impacts, explosions, etc.) often cause local damage to building structures and pose a serious threat when one or more vertical load-bearing components fail, leading to the progressive collapse of the entire structure or...
Every day, old structures are demolished to make room for new and improved buildings, bridges, and other structures. More often than we would like, during the course of these demolitions, things do not go as planned and loss or...
In this work, the Applied Element Method (AEM) is employed to reproduce the dynamic response of three full-scale unreinforced masonry (URM) house specimens tested on a shake-table. Two of the test specimens correspond to a calcium-silicate terraced house typology...